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Ben Myers Theologys

Ben Myers Theology. Ben Myers is a prolific author of Christian books and the Associate Editor for the quarterly C Street Journal. His writings are focused on Christian parenting and the intersections of faith and sexuality. His most recent book, God is Not Caged was received with rave reviews and received multiple awards.

His other titles include Gods Not Grown, God's Unexpected Pathway, Jesus: Anointed, and The Unforeseen Return. Myers has served as an Associate Pastor at Hillsboro Village Church in Oregon and as an Executive Director for Life Links International.

In his book God is Not Caged, ben Myers theology examines the relationship between God's people and their responsibility to demonstrate grace in all areas of life including marriage and the workplace. He argues that the biblical view of election states that god elects whom he wants us to become and that anyone not chosen is bound for hell.

Ben Myers Theology

This popular notion is challenged by the fact that the Bible never speaks about election or explains who gets chosen. The idea that god chooses who will not be saved is from the doctrine of predestination found in Romans 9:11. According to the doctrine of predestination, no one can escape God's judgments.

Ben Myers also challenges the commonly held belief that there is no such thing as unconditional forgiveness. He says that while God does not give us our sins for free, neither does he withhold his power from those who refuse to come to Christ. Myers contends that we have been conditioned by society into believing that there is no way to earn forgiveness. Because of this, we do not go to our spiritual teachers to ask for forgiveness. Myers argues that both the Bible and Christian theology can offer unconditional forgiveness because both teach that we have been forgiven by God.

Another way that Myers relates to theologies of the bible and theology of salvation is in his discussion of st. James and the canon of the Holy Fathers. While most scholars would agree that the canon of the Holy Fathers and the entire Old Testament are not essential to understanding the essentials of Christian theology, Myers challenges their interpretation. He compares the two books to the “great mysteries” of Christianity and points out that both can be used to explain the uniqueness of the Christian faith.

Myers believes that theologies of the bible should not be seen as limiting. He claims that it is a source of inspiration for Christians and that non-believers have a more limited knowledge of the workings of God than most believers. This means that the more comprehensive Christian theology must be supplemented with an equal amount of knowledge from within the Christian faith itself.

Ben Myers also points to the problematic nature of the “substance” of the Old Testament. The substance of the Old Testament demonstrates the continuing presence of sin through history. Myers maintains that this is the reason that forgiveness within the Christian tradition is difficult to attain. Because forgiveness removes the sin nature of the world in place of accepting Jesus Christ and being united with Him, there are theological difficulties associated with attempts to apply this concept to today's situation. Myers writes, “while forgiveness restores integrity and the quality of life to the surface of Christian ethics and the practice of faith, it has little to do with the 'who we are' problem of reconciling the doctrine of redemption.”

Myers also makes note of the need for an increased level of detail in the forgiveness proposal. Many have argued that while forgiveness is important, the focus should be on complete and total eradication of sin. Myers disagrees. He contends that forgiveness can be achieved by addressing specific defects of the believer, but the idea of an unconditional forgiveness of guilt cannot be applied to all. Therefore, no Christian can fully understand the need for detailed theological exploration.

Overall, this is a very interesting and thought-provoking book. The discussion between Myers and Ries is excellent. Myers has had a long career as a Christian counselor and teacher of theology. This recent book is a significant voice for current and future Christians. Myers has clearly stated his views on forgiveness. It's interesting, insightful, and thought-provoking.
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