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Faith Seeking Understanding or Theology

Faith seeking understanding or theology as it is often called can be confusing. It can lead to a lot of questions and even make the person who has no faith questioning their own existence. When you are looking for answers you may think you already know all you need to know and that is ok but if you are not careful you can easily become confused. If you are faith seeking understanding then you may have come across information about, angels, heaven and hell and the bible and you may be wondering what these things mean and how they affect you on a daily basis.

When you are faith seeking understanding you may think that by getting a theology degree you will finally understand everything you need to know about this subject. This is not always the case. You see getting a degree in theology does not necessarily give you the license to ignore your faith under the pretext of'seeking clarification'. There is no need for you to be a scholar in the field of theology. You need to have a personal relationship with God and be willing to put your life in alignment with His teachings.

Many people are not willing to do this. They may claim that they 'do' theology but they hardly ever understand it. They end up with a set of beliefs that are completely opposite to what they believe in the first place. So if you want to be a good Catholic then you need to be a Catholic because of the faith, beliefs and practices that you were taught at birth.

Faith Seeking Understanding or Theology

If you are to understand this subject matter then you will need to learn a great deal about each of the main points. By knowing these points you will be able to justify your position on any given issue and you will know what needs to be done to move a person towards a position of more understanding. Without this knowledge a person's understanding of this subject simply cannot be built.

In order to build understanding you also need to know the answers to questions that may arise. This is especially true if the question deals with how certain actions should be taken. How do you know that an action will help or hurt someone? How do you know that a certain emotion is good or bad?

A person may not have a grasp of all of these things but they can still find comfort in the many examples of theology that can be found throughout scripture. Theology can provide the answers that a person has been looking for. It can provide the way out from underneath a burden of faith. It is always possible to grasp more theology if you simply keep looking.

Another factor in gaining a better understanding of theology is to look at the lives of those that truly understand its workings. There are many examples throughout history of those that have walked with God and have been able to move into new areas of understanding because of this. Read their biographies to gain insight into the nature of their faith. Find out how they lived their lives before finding themselves in such a place. By knowing how they came to this point, a person can begin to see what they are looking for in an understanding of this faith.

In many cases it has been said that a lack of knowledge can only be overcome by experience. Experience comes with patience and determination. Theologians and others have given much of their lives to understand the workings of faith. If a person keeps their eyes open and searches diligently, they can find an understanding of theology that can greatly enhance their faith.
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