Wesleyan Quadrilateral
The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is a method for systematic theology reflection that was named after John Wesley, leader of the Maryland Church of Christ, in the mid-1800s. The name itself was derived by 20th century American Catholic scholar Albert C. Outler. A fuller description of the Quadrangular might be useful here. It consists of four quadrants, each divided into three categories: Pastoral theology, Apologetics, andigious.
In its most traditional form, the w Wesleyan quadrilateral divides these three categories into two, with each group consisting of three scriptures. These are the norm, but some scholars argue that this division is not fully appropriate for all traditions. (See discussion in Sectarian Theology below.) Some also think that the quadrangular should include only those scriptures that are truly important to a meaningful faith tradition, though this practice seems to vary across denominations.
The wesleyan quadrilateral provides a foundation for further discussion. At the heart of each of the three categories above, there are three scripture passages that are particularly important to the majority of Christian traditions. For purposes of this discussion, the full word of scripture will be chosen, though the specific text is not specified. For example, a parent may choose to read Luke 6:2-3 to remind his children of the importance of obeying Jesus' command to “heal the sick.” The tradition will then emphasize the necessity of believing and doing according to the written word. Other appropriate examples could be 1 Peter 5:1-2 and John 3:4-5.
Because the wesleyan quadrilateral allows a belief in both parts of the triad, those in the majority category will almost always also affirm the existence of God. The question is how far should this belief extend? Some have suggested that all scripture must be accepted literally, with no room for interpretation or contextualisation. Others would hold that those who do not accept the bible as the infallible Word of God should not share in the Christian community. Still others believe that the bible contains no contradictions, allowing for an interpretation that allows for changes to occur within its pages, even contradictory changes.
Those who support the idea that the bible can be studied and interpreted using the methods taught by Methodism tend to follow Robert Forward's thought in terms of using the methodical approach to scripture. This group defines scriptural interpretation as “the formal methods used by Christians to understand and interpret scripture”. According to this view, the w Wesleyan quadrilateral is a methodist text, and those who break from the mainstream must therefore also be considered heretics. This is a strict categorization, however, as the spectrum of Christian thought extends far beyond the methods used by Methodists.
Those who believe the opposite side of the w Wesleyan quadrilateral are generally referred to as fideists. A prime example of a fideist text is Celswell's Essay on Criticism and Essay on Man. While Celswell does present an argument for a limited pantheism, he seems to go beyond this to endorse a form of fideism that goes further than the methods taught by the majority of Methodists. Celswell's key thesis is that there are no absolute definitions of God, and that any definition is merely a set of tools that can be used to explore the world. In this way, he believes that we can know God simply by examining the evidence we have surrounding Him.
In discussing the difference between traditional christian theology and the more innovative approach of fideism, Celswell makes use of a diagram that compares traditional two-legged theorizing with continental one-legged theorizing. He uses this comparison to point out how most people have come to misunderstand the meaning of scripture. Because they have reduced scripture to an abstract set of ideas, they fail to see how it can provide the necessary insight to understand God and meet man's needs.
Celswell claims that the best way to understand scripture is not from the traditions but from the words of God himself. By using the tools of systematic theology, those who follow his lead can learn the meaning of scripture and therefore meet God's purposes. Celswell's work provides the basis for a movement away from the traditional methods of the past and toward a more innovative methodology that believes God can and does lead people into places where His presence is manifest in actions and not just words. If you are interested in learning more about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral and other similar works, I recommend that you research the internet. As with all of Celswell's work, the only way to improve your understanding of scripture is through further study of the Bible and the work of Christian theology.
In its most traditional form, the w Wesleyan quadrilateral divides these three categories into two, with each group consisting of three scriptures. These are the norm, but some scholars argue that this division is not fully appropriate for all traditions. (See discussion in Sectarian Theology below.) Some also think that the quadrangular should include only those scriptures that are truly important to a meaningful faith tradition, though this practice seems to vary across denominations.
The wesleyan quadrilateral provides a foundation for further discussion. At the heart of each of the three categories above, there are three scripture passages that are particularly important to the majority of Christian traditions. For purposes of this discussion, the full word of scripture will be chosen, though the specific text is not specified. For example, a parent may choose to read Luke 6:2-3 to remind his children of the importance of obeying Jesus' command to “heal the sick.” The tradition will then emphasize the necessity of believing and doing according to the written word. Other appropriate examples could be 1 Peter 5:1-2 and John 3:4-5.
Wesleyan Quadrilateral |
Those who support the idea that the bible can be studied and interpreted using the methods taught by Methodism tend to follow Robert Forward's thought in terms of using the methodical approach to scripture. This group defines scriptural interpretation as “the formal methods used by Christians to understand and interpret scripture”. According to this view, the w Wesleyan quadrilateral is a methodist text, and those who break from the mainstream must therefore also be considered heretics. This is a strict categorization, however, as the spectrum of Christian thought extends far beyond the methods used by Methodists.
Those who believe the opposite side of the w Wesleyan quadrilateral are generally referred to as fideists. A prime example of a fideist text is Celswell's Essay on Criticism and Essay on Man. While Celswell does present an argument for a limited pantheism, he seems to go beyond this to endorse a form of fideism that goes further than the methods taught by the majority of Methodists. Celswell's key thesis is that there are no absolute definitions of God, and that any definition is merely a set of tools that can be used to explore the world. In this way, he believes that we can know God simply by examining the evidence we have surrounding Him.
In discussing the difference between traditional christian theology and the more innovative approach of fideism, Celswell makes use of a diagram that compares traditional two-legged theorizing with continental one-legged theorizing. He uses this comparison to point out how most people have come to misunderstand the meaning of scripture. Because they have reduced scripture to an abstract set of ideas, they fail to see how it can provide the necessary insight to understand God and meet man's needs.
Celswell claims that the best way to understand scripture is not from the traditions but from the words of God himself. By using the tools of systematic theology, those who follow his lead can learn the meaning of scripture and therefore meet God's purposes. Celswell's work provides the basis for a movement away from the traditional methods of the past and toward a more innovative methodology that believes God can and does lead people into places where His presence is manifest in actions and not just words. If you are interested in learning more about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral and other similar works, I recommend that you research the internet. As with all of Celswell's work, the only way to improve your understanding of scripture is through further study of the Bible and the work of Christian theology.
This article presents four examples of Wesleyan quadrilateral layouts. Each example starts on one diagonal, while the last one begins on the same diagonal as the first two. In each case, a rectangular or oval shaped piece of cardboard is laid down on top of the pieces. The pieces are then turned over so that each group faces in a single direction. This pattern can also be played with a diamond shape and by placing all of the diamonds diagonally across the board.
One variation on the quadrilateral consists of placing all of the pieces into a single layer. In this configuration, the board is arranged in four horizontal directions and two vertical directions. Thus, the four walls face in a direction similar to a diamond. In a diamond configuration, the board is considered closed if all of the four edges of each face touch the board. In this case, the board is considered open if any of the edges of the board are out of alignment with each other.
Another variation of the quadrilateral is a four wall configuration. In this case, the board is arranged in four planes. The arrangement is considered closed if all of the four walls of the board face each other and if any of the edges of each wall are pointing to any other board edge. In this case, the board is considered open if any of the edges of the board are out of alignment with each other.
The most common of the four walls is the front wall. In a westerly quadrilateral, this board edge is positioned directly behind the first wall. In the front westerly quadrilateral, the second wall is positioned directly in front of the first wall. Thus, in this configuration the board edge is at the end of the fifth wall. The middle wall is in between these two.
Any quadrature that has four walls can be orientated in many ways. In a single plane quadrature, the orientation can either be right-handed or left-handed. In a double plane quadrature, both hands are dominant and the board can be orientated in any direction. A trifold quadrature is made by placing the board's cross-section in two planes: one inside the other.
Quadrature with edges can also be orientated in numerous ways. In the crosswise orientation, each of the quadratures faces across the board; this is the more common of the orientations. In the centered quadrature, one face is set perpendicular to the others and this face is perpendicular to all of the others. This means that in a centered quadrature the board is set up in a U-shape. All other forms of the westerly quadrature are based on a trapezoid board.
The Wesleyan quadrature design has some strong similarities with the traditional pentatonic scale. The only real difference is that in the latter there is no true tone. This makes the scale much more difficult to play. However, the sound of the westerly quadrature is very pleasant.
You may be able to find many resources online which will teach you how to play the westerly version of the quadrature. However, the best way to learn how to play this type of quadrature design is to visit a local teacher for private instruction. The only downside to going to a teacher for advice is that sometimes they may not have enough space in their classroom. If you would prefer to learn how to play on your own, I have included a recommended learning method below. It involves using software that is designed for teaching guitar beginners:
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